You can easily create letters to customers, vendors or employees with QuickBooks Letters, a set of prewritten, preformatted business letters. These letters include collection letters, thank you notes, agreements, reminder letters and more. To create a letter, begin by selecting Prepare Letters with Envelopes (found under the Company menu). In the Write Letters wizard, you can specify choices for letter types, lists of recipients and signature information.
For example, quickly create collection letters to customers with overdue balances that provide all the details of their outstanding invoices. In three easy steps, you can have all of the letters prepared automatically!
You can even print the corresponding envelopes.
Alternatively, you can customize or create your own letter templates from scratch. Simply choose Customize Letter Templates under the Prepare Letters with Envelopes menu.
As you work in Word, you can access a set of QuickBooks toolbars that will help you enter data fields in the letters you create. QuickBooks fields act as placeholders for the data extracted from your QuickBooks company file.
After creating your custom letters, save your work as you would any Word document (choose Save or Save As from the File menu in Word).
If you have any issues with creating letters in QuickBooks, contact us for help.
Get in touch today and find out how we can help you meet your objectives.