Healthy Employees Help Bottom Line

Employers have several reasons to encourage employees to improve their health and to maintain good health. Some employers adopt formal wellness programs to help employees pursue and achieve better health goals. But having a wellness program doesn't guarantee employee participation. So, to encourage participation in a wellness program, here are some suggestions:

Employers and Employees Can Reap Benefits from a Wellness Program

A survey by the Association of Schools of Public Health showed that 68 percent of Americans believed it is important to encourage people to live healthier lifestyles, to eat well, and not to smoke. A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine reported that 50 to 70 percent of all diseases are associated with modifiable health risks (lifestyle choices).

Your wellness program demonstrates that you value your employees. Use your newsletter, memos and paycheck stuffers to remind employees regularly how a healthier lifestyle will benefit them.

A healthy wellness program benefits your business, too. Healthy employees take fewer sick days, don't cost as much to insure, and are generally happier and more productive. And a wellness program is good for recruiting and retaining employees. Reduction in health care costs due to fitness programs has been documented -- particularly by employers who have had programs in place since the early '80s. Savings vary but can amount to three or more times greater than program costs.

Wellness Program Benefits

Miriam Sims, a consultant with Health Promotion Management, Inc., in a Denver Business Journal article, listed these seven benefits to employers from a wellness program:

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