Spanish is the second most common language spoken in the United States, according to the U .S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2016.
That fact makes Spanish the most common language that English-speaking employees should take on. Although not all Hispanics speak Spanish, many do, so it makes good business sense to offer employees language courses so you can reach potential customers.
And depending on where most of your customers live and what they speak, you might consider course in other languages as well. For example, Chinese, including Cantonese, Mandarin and other Chinese languages, places third in the lists of languages spoken at home in the United States, and French and French Creole comes in fourth.
If you have international clients or operations overseas, that should determine which language courses add the most to your bottom line. Language fluency among your employees extends your international reach and customer base and makes it easier to maintain contacts. It also expands your pool of potential recruits for overseas assignments.
Bottom line: Proficiency in a foreign language can help you win customers and expand your business.
Here are five ways your company can benefit from a more global linguistic reach:
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