While many people pay with credit cards or electronic transfers these days, there are some customers who still write checks. If you accept that form of payment you should know about the Bounced Check feature in QuickBooks. With a single click, you can automatically record a bounced check.
Here's how it works:
Locate the original customer payment in the Receive Payments screen and click on the Record Bounced Check button at the top.
In the Manage Bounced Check window, add the following optional items:
Then, click the Next button. A Bounced Check Summary window displays showing you what happened with that check behind the scenes in QuickBooks.
Click the Finish button. The Customer Payment window will appear and you'll then see a Bounced Check indicator on the right in red. This reminds you that you just used the bounced check feature on that payment.
The invoice you first sent to your customer will be marked as unpaid so you can send it again. If you have questions about the Bounced Check feature (or any other feature) in QuickBooks, please contact our office.
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