Memorizing transactions in QuickBooks eliminates unnecessary data entry, as well as those yellow Post-it® notes all over your computer monitor. Rent payments, automatic bank withdrawals and recurring customer invoices can be created once and then used over and over again.
The Memorize Transaction feature in QuickBooks gives you the choice to remind you, don't remind you or automatically enter the transaction for you.
In order to memorize a transaction, you must start by either creating a new transaction or locating an existing one. With the desired transaction displayed:
1. Select Memorize [Transaction Type] from the Edit menu. Or as a shortcut, click Ctrl M simultaneously.
2. Enter a name for the transaction that will define its content, such as "Monthly Insurance Deduction."
3. Select from one of the following options:
4. Click OK to memorize the transaction.
By selecting Automatically Enter, the following options are available in the Memorize Transaction window:
A Memorized Transaction Group can also be created and individual memorized transactions can be included in the group. To set up a memorized transaction group:
To assign other memorized transactions to the group, it is necessary to edit each memorized transaction as shown below and add it to a group.
Often, the amount or details of a memorized transaction will change. To edit an existing memorized transaction:
Close the transaction window, but do not save the entry.
If the schedule or timing of a memorized transaction or transaction group changes, do the following:
Contact us if you have questions about the Memorize function in QuickBooks.
Some QuickBooks transactions cannot be memorized. They include:
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