The Internal Revenue Service is expanding the Identity Protection PIN Opt-In Program to all taxpayers who can verify their identities.
The IRS has recently made some announcements to inform taxpayers about obtaining an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) that can help protect against tax-related identity theft. Here are some facts about an IP PIN.
To obtain an IP PIN, the best option is the Get an IP PIN, the IRS online tool. Taxpayers must validate their identities through Secure Access authentication to access the tool and their IP PIN. Before attempting this process, you will need to obtain an IRS online services account. You can register for one at Secure Access: How to Register for Certain Online Self-Help Tools.
An IRS online services account allows you to securely access your individual account information such as:
The IRS notes that if you're a confirmed victim of tax-related identity theft and tax agency has resolved your tax account issues, you will be mailed a CP01A Notice with your new IP PIN each year.
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